SOMETHING is a collection created by two close friends, myself and Sarah Allderman from S.ARCH Designs, that we launched in December 2020. Here’s a little more insight into what it’s all about...

SOMETHING: /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/

1. A thing that is unspecified or unknown. It’s neither here nor there, but it suggests direction. 

JULIA and Sarch Designs - Clothing line in Cape Town

It's beauty is in its abundance of non-definition. It is unknown and exciting. Over the past year we’ve learnt that nothing is certain and the world is rapidly changing and learning to conform to a new 'normal'. Here we are, two late twenty-somethings, operating in a pandemic and navigating the creative industry - both in defined and undefined careers.  

JULIA - Floral printed towels, swimwear and garments

2. Let’s do something / make something / be something

Made up of a series of easy-to-wear items that celebrate creativity, collaboration and community, the SOMETHING print - typical of Sarah’s work - was carefully hand drawn and adapted into a unique botanical print. If anything, the past year has forced us all to take a step back and enjoy the smaller things in life, whether it’s a blooming flower or a spectacular summer sunset.  

 The blue and white refers back to Chinese porcelain and delftware, celebrating centuries of arts and craft -  something that people have returned to during the course of this pandemic. We’ve seen a major increase in activities such as crocheting, flower pressing, painting, sewing and more - as individuals, we have searched for relaxing activities in turbulent times.

Julia - clothing wear created by Julia and Sarch Designs

Sarah and I have known each other for a total of 21 years. After meeting in grade three, we’ve walked a special journey together filled with music, art, laughter and travels. Throughout the years, we’ve been sounding boards to each other as we branched off into our different specialities and it brings us so much happiness to come together and create something beautiful for you all to enjoy!

Julia and Sarch Designs - Fashion designers in Cape Town

Combining my fine art and design background with Sarah’s architectural line drawing skills, we bring you a collection which celebrates femininity, friendship and, most importantly, all of you; the women who inspire us! Without your support and encouragement, this year would have looked a whole lot different.

Here's to the unknown, to new ‘normals,’ to friendship and to finding the beauty amongst the chaos!